Compare commits


32 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
aec425b1e0 further improvements 2019-12-20 04:30:52 +01:00
9e3aeb2d92 Rewrote to have better overview, at the moment get quickly first with needed length 2019-12-20 00:56:22 +01:00
98034f4f76 Day18: Backup 3 2019-12-19 02:13:46 +01:00
a5cda9b104 Day18: Backup2 2019-12-18 15:18:06 +01:00
4c55fd04e8 Day18:Backup 2019-12-18 14:27:33 +01:00
b49722bb69 Day17: Part2 works 2019-12-17 13:49:40 +01:00
b0f6505112 Day17: Part1 works 2019-12-17 13:44:16 +01:00
196dbbff3e Day16: (++) has O(n) 2019-12-16 21:16:22 +01:00
417c4ede04 Day16: This should be faster ... 2019-12-16 16:45:29 +01:00
46b9098db9 Day16: Time/6 when dropping unneeded calculations 2019-12-16 13:04:34 +01:00
17ef30b293 Day16: Half needed time by ignoring multiplication with 0 2019-12-16 12:29:06 +01:00
5a307bfa6e Day16: Part1 works 2019-12-16 12:01:17 +01:00
ea5b4b48de Day15: Part 2 works 2019-12-15 17:15:19 +01:00
6e36014987 Day15: Part1 works 2019-12-15 15:34:20 +01:00
f2f0df9142 Day14: Both parts work .... somehow 2019-12-14 19:03:13 +01:00
9da7f98590 Day14: All test are working 2019-12-14 17:15:07 +01:00
0e4bed2b26 Day14:backup 2019-12-14 14:43:27 +01:00
e5adad16ed Day13: Fix parseoutput 2019-12-13 15:34:20 +01:00
8df4b4c9c0 Day13: It works kinda 2019-12-13 15:16:26 +01:00
3fe5944338 Day12: Part 2 works 2019-12-12 13:28:20 +01:00
99b6f0085b Part1 works 2019-12-12 11:33:10 +01:00
a42348fedb Day11: Input 2019-12-11 19:49:22 +01:00
aae7079140 Day11: Part 2 Works 2019-12-11 19:48:42 +01:00
63d41f5084 Day11: Something, pretty bad actually 2019-12-11 17:11:45 +01:00
c4fce9b29e Day10: Part2 works 2019-12-11 00:49:30 +01:00
7b28a5a035 Lets just be simple 2019-12-10 22:07:34 +01:00
4af44ebd0b More fixes or somehting like that 2019-12-10 17:12:15 +01:00
4f73ff3c56 Some things fixed 2019-12-10 17:00:06 +01:00
f89d165c94 I dont even know 2019-12-10 16:44:25 +01:00
ce7044ecf1 Day10:Part1 working 2019-12-10 14:01:09 +01:00
57127b88dd Day9:Part1 and Part2 are working 2019-12-09 11:49:51 +01:00
bfa4f0a305 Day8 2019-12-08 14:34:22 +01:00
14 changed files with 1696 additions and 0 deletions

day10.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import Data.List as List
import Debug.Trace as Trace
main = do
content <- getContents
let layers = lines content
let indexlayers = map(\x-> mapInd(\x y -> (y,x)) x ) layers
let points = concat (mapInd(\x y->map(\x->((fst x,y),snd x))x) $ indexlayers)
let asteroids = (map fst (filter(\(x,y) -> y == '#' ) points))
let maximum = List.maximum(map(\x-> length(getViews (changeCoordinate (asteroids) x))) (asteroids))
let station = head $ map(\x-> fst x) $ filter(\x-> snd x == maximum )(map(\x-> (x,( length(getViews (changeCoordinate asteroids x))))) (asteroids))
let changedAsteroids = changeCoordinate asteroids station
let sortedAsteroids = sortBy sortDistance changedAsteroids
let views = getViews sortedAsteroids
let sortedViews = sortBy sortDegree views
let destroyed = getDestroyOrder sortedAsteroids []
let destroyNormal = map (\(a,b)-> (((fst station) + a),((snd station) + b))) destroyed
putStrLn(show maximum)
putStrLn(show station)
putStrLn(show views)
putStrLn(show sortedViews)
putStrLn(show $ map degree destroyed)
putStrLn(show $ destroyNormal)
putStrLn(show $ destroyNormal!!199)
mapInd :: (a -> Int -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapInd f l = zipWith f l [0..]
getDestroyOrder :: [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)]
getDestroyOrder ast out
| length ast > 0 = do
let views = getViews ast
let sortedViews = sortBy sortDegree views
let newout = out ++ sortedViews
let newast = ast \\ sortedViews
getDestroyOrder newast newout
| otherwise = out
sortDistance ((a,b)) ((a2,b2))
| abs(a) + abs(b) > abs(a2) + abs(b2) = GT
| abs(a) + abs(b) < abs(a2) + abs(b2) = LT
| abs(a) + abs(b) == abs(a2) + abs(b2) = EQ
sortDegree a b
| degree a < degree b = GT
| degree a > degree b = LT
| degree a == degree b = EQ
getViews :: [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)]
getViews xs = foldl getView [] xs
changeCoordinate :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)]
changeCoordinate xs (a,b) = (delete (0,0)( (map(\(x,y) -> ((x-a),(y-b)))xs)))
getView :: [(Int,Int)] -> (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)]
getView xs y
|notElem (reduce y) (map reduce xs) = xs ++ [y]
|otherwise = xs
reduce :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
reduce (a,b) = ((div a (gcd a b)),(div b (gcd a b)))
degree :: (Int,Int) -> Double
degree (a,b) = do
let x = fromIntegral a
let y = fromIntegral b
atan2 x (y)

day11.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either as Either
import Debug.Trace as Trace
main = do
software <- getList <$> getContents
let brain = Amplifier software 0 0 [] [0]
let robot = Robot brain [((0,0),1)] (0,0) 0
let result = runRobot robot
let endPoints = points result
let pointsNoColor = map(\(x,y) -> x) endPoints
let unique = nub pointsNoColor
let mapPoint = createMap endPoints (reverse [-7..1]) []
mapM putStrLn( map show mapPoint)
data Amplifier = Amplifier{ state :: [Int]
,index :: Int
,base :: Int
,input :: [Int]
,output :: [Int]
} deriving Show
data Robot = Robot{ brain:: Amplifier
,points:: [((Int,Int),Int)]
,position:: (Int,Int)
,direction:: Int
} deriving Show
getBrain :: Robot -> Amplifier
getBrain (Robot brain points poisition direction) = brain
createMap ::[((Int,Int),Int)]-> [Int] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
createMap points (y:ys) output
|length ys > 0 = do
let fPoints = filter(\((a,b),c) -> b ==y ) points
let row = foldl createRow [] fPoints
let newoutput = output ++ [(Trace.traceShowId(row))]
createMap points ys newoutput
|otherwise = output
createRow :: [Int] -> ((Int,Int),Int) -> [Int]
createRow row ((a,b),c) = Main.insert row c a
runRobot :: Robot -> Robot
runRobot (Robot brain points position direction) = do
let currentpoint = filter(\(p,c)-> p == position) $ points
let input =( if length currentpoint == 0
then 0
else snd $ head currentpoint)
let newBrain = (step brain [(input)])
if (output newBrain) == []
then Robot brain points position direction
else do
let outColor = (output (newBrain))!!0
let outMove = (output newBrain)!!1
let newPoints = ( (points \\ currentpoint) ++ [(position,outColor)])
let newDirection = changeDirection direction outMove
let newPos = move position newDirection
runRobot (Robot newBrain newPoints newPos newDirection)
stepRobot :: Robot -> Robot
stepRobot (Robot brain points position direction) = do
let currentpoint = filter(\(p,c)-> p == position) $ points
let input = if length currentpoint == 0
then 0
else snd $ head currentpoint
let newBrain = step brain [input]
let outColor = (output newBrain)!!0
let outMove = (output newBrain)!!1
let newPoints = (points) ++ [(position,outColor)]
let newDirection = changeDirection direction outMove
let newPos = move position newDirection
Robot newBrain newPoints newPos newDirection
move :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> (Int,Int)
move (x,y) direction
| direction == 0 = (x,y+1)
| direction == 1 = (x+1,y)
| direction == 2 = (x,y-1)
| direction == 3 = (x-1,y)
changeDirection :: Int -> Int -> Int
changeDirection direction input
| input == 0 = changeDirection' direction (-1)
| input == 1 = changeDirection' direction 1
changeDirection' :: Int -> Int -> Int
changeDirection' direction change
| direction + change < 0 = 3
| otherwise = mod (direction + change) 4
getList :: String -> [Int]
getList = map . splitOn ","
link :: Amplifier -> Amplifier -> Amplifier
link left calc
| null (output left) = Amplifier (state calc) (-1) (base calc) (input calc) (output calc)
| index left == -1 = Amplifier (state calc) (-1) (base calc) (input calc) (output calc)
| otherwise = step calc ([last $ output left])
step :: Amplifier -> [Int] -> Amplifier
step amp input = operation (drop (index amp) (state amp)) (state amp) (index amp) (base amp) input []
operation :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Amplifier
operation (99:_) state i base input output =
Amplifier state i base input []
operation (op:xs) state i base input output
| last (digits op) == 1 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = add (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 2 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = mult (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 3 = do
if (length input) == 0
then (Amplifier state i base input output)
else do
let newindex = i + 2
let newstate = put (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) (xs!!0) (head input) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation (drop newindex newstate) (newstate) newindex base newinput output
| last (digits op) == 4 = do
let newindex = i + 2
let newoutput = out (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) output (xs!!0) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input (newoutput)
| (last (digits op) == 5 ) = do
let newindex = jumpif (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 6 ) = do
let newindex = jumpifnot (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 7 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = lessthan (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 8 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = equal (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 9 ) = do
let newindex = i + 2
let fullop = (fillup (revertdigs op) 3)
let newbase = base + (getValue (fullop!!2) (xs!!0) base state)
(operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex newbase input output)
add :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
add (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) + (getValue m2 p2 base state)
mult :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
mult (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) * (getValue m2 p2 base state)
put :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
put(op1:op2:m1:_) p1 input base state =
Main.insert state input (getIndex m1 p1 base)
out :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
out (op1:op2:m1:_) output p1 base state =
output ++ [(getValue m1 p1 base state)]
jumpif :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpif (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) /= 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
jumpifnot :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpifnot (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) == 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
lessthan :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
lessthan (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) < (getValue m2 p2 base state) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
equal :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
equal (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state ) == (getValue m2 p2 base state ) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
insert :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
insert xs value index
| index < length xs = do
let split = splitAt index xs
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
| otherwise = do
let longState = xs ++ (replicate (index - length xs) 0)
let split = splitAt index longState
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
read :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
read xs index
| index < length xs = xs!!index
| otherwise = 0
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits = map Char.digitToInt . show
revertdigs :: Int -> [Int]
revertdigs 0 = []
revertdigs x = x `mod` 10 : revertdigs (x `div` 10)
fillup :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
fillup array x = array ++ (replicate (x - (length array)) 0)
getValue :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
getValue 0 p base array = array p
getValue 1 p base array = p
getValue 2 p base array = array (base + p)
getIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
getIndex m p base
| m == 0 = p
| m == 2 = p + base

day12.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.List
import Data.Char as Char
import Linear.V3
main = do
moons <- map createMoon <$> map getList <$> map cleanString <$> lines <$> getContents
--let newMoons = calculateMoons moons 1000
--let ernergy = sum $ map getErnergy newMoons
let xAxis = getXAxis moons
let loopx = findLoop xAxis xAxis 0
let yAxis = getYAxis moons
let loopy = findLoop yAxis yAxis 0
let zAxis = getZAxis moons
let loopz = findLoop zAxis zAxis 0
let result = foldl1 lcm [loopx, loopy, loopz]
--mapM putStrLn ( map show newMoons )
--putStrLn ( show ernergy)
putStrLn(show result)
data Moon = Moon{ position :: V3 Int
,velocity :: V3 Int
} deriving Show
getList :: String -> [Int]
getList = map read . splitOn ", "
cleanString :: String -> String
cleanString xs = xs \\ "<>xyz==="
createMoon :: [Int] -> Moon
createMoon [x,y,z] = Moon (V3 x y z) (V3 0 0 0)
stepGravity :: [Moon] -> [Moon]
stepGravity xs = map (\(p,v) -> Moon p v) $ zip (newPos) newVel
where newVel = zipWith (+) (getVel xs) (gravity $ getPos xs)
newPos = zipWith (+) (getPos xs) (newVel)
gravity :: (Num a, Eq a)=> [a] -> [a]
gravity xs = [sum [signum $ x-y | x<-xs, y/=x] | y<-xs]
calculateMoons :: [Moon] -> Int -> [Moon]
calculateMoons xs 0 = xs
calculateMoons xs n = calculateMoons (stepGravity xs) (n-1)
findLoop :: ([Int],[Int]) -> ([Int],[Int]) -> Int -> Int
findLoop pos start c
| pos /= start || c == 0 = findLoop (stepAxis pos) start (c+1)
| pos == start = c
stepAxis :: ([Int],[Int]) -> ([Int],[Int])
stepAxis (pos,vel) = (newPos, newVel)
where newVel = zipWith (+) (vel) (gravity pos)
newPos = zipWith (+) (pos) (newVel)
getPos :: [Moon] -> [V3 Int]
getPos xs = map(\x -> position x) xs
getVel :: [Moon] -> [V3 Int]
getVel xs = map(\x -> velocity x) xs
getErnergy :: Moon -> Int
getErnergy (Moon pos vel) = (sum $ abs pos) * (sum $ abs vel)
getXAxis :: [Moon] -> ([Int],[Int])
getXAxis xs = (pos,vel)
where pos = map(\x -> getX $ position x) xs
vel = map(\x -> getX $ velocity x) xs
getZAxis :: [Moon] -> ([Int],[Int])
getZAxis xs = (pos,vel)
where pos = map(\x -> getZ $ position x) xs
vel = map(\x -> getZ $ velocity x) xs
getYAxis :: [Moon] -> ([Int],[Int])
getYAxis xs = (pos,vel)
where pos = map(\x -> getY $ position x) xs
vel = map(\x -> getY $ velocity x) xs
getX :: V3 Int -> Int
getX (V3 x y z) = x
getY :: V3 Int -> Int
getY (V3 x y z) = y
getZ :: V3 Int -> Int
getZ (V3 x y z) = z

day13.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Linear.V2
import Control.Monad
main = do
software <- getList <$> getContents
let arcade = Amplifier software 0 0 [] []
let arcadeStep1 = step arcade []
let step1Result = parseOutput M.empty (output arcadeStep1)
let blocks =length $ M.filter(==2) step1Result
let result = runGame arcade M.empty
--let gameMap = createMap result [0..23] []
let score = M.filterWithKey(\(V2 a b) _ -> a == -1 ) result
--mapM putStrLn( map (map getSymbol) gameMap)
--putStrLn(show score)
putStrLn(show result)
putStrLn "Finished"
data Amplifier = Amplifier{ state :: [Int]
,index :: Int
,base :: Int
,input :: [Int]
,output :: [Int]
} deriving Show
runGame :: Amplifier -> M.Map (V2 Int) Int -> M.Map (V2 Int) Int
runGame arcade gameM= do
let newArcade = step arcade [0]
let tiles = ((parseOutput M.empty (output newArcade)))
let newGameM = M.union tiles gameM
let blocks = length $ M.filter(== 2) newGameM
if blocks == 0
then tiles
else runGame newArcade newGameM
parseOutput :: M.Map (V2 Int) Int -> [Int] -> M.Map (V2 Int) Int
parseOutput tiles (x:y:c:xs)
| length xs == 0 = M.insert (V2 x y) c tiles
| length xs > 0 = parseOutput newtiles xs
where newtiles = M.insert (V2 x y) c tiles
createMap :: M.Map (V2 Int) Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
createMap points (y:ys) output
|length ys > 0 = do
let fPoints = M.filterWithKey(\(V2 a b) _ -> b ==y ) points
let row = M.foldlWithKey createRow [] fPoints
let newoutput = output ++ [(row)]
createMap points ys newoutput
|otherwise = output
createRow :: [Int] -> V2 Int -> Int -> [Int]
createRow row (V2 a b) c = Main.insert row c a
getSymbol :: Int -> Char
getSymbol 0 = ' '
getSymbol 1 = '|'
getSymbol 2 = '#'
getSymbol 3 = '='
getSymbol 4 = '*'
getList :: String -> [Int]
getList = map . splitOn ","
step :: Amplifier -> [Int] -> Amplifier
step amp input = operation (drop (index amp) (state amp)) (state amp) (index amp) (base amp) input []
operation :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Amplifier
operation (99:_) state i base input output =
Amplifier state i base input output
operation (op:xs) state i base input output
| last (digits op) == 1 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = add (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 2 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = mult (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 3 = do
if (length input) == 0
then (Amplifier state i base input output)
else do
let newindex = i + 2
let newstate = put (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) (xs!!0) (head input) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation (drop newindex newstate) (newstate) newindex base newinput output
| last (digits op) == 4 = do
let newindex = i + 2
let newoutput = out (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) output (xs!!0) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input (newoutput)
| (last (digits op) == 5 ) = do
let newindex = jumpif (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 6 ) = do
let newindex = jumpifnot (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 7 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = lessthan (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 8 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = equal (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 9 ) = do
let newindex = i + 2
let fullop = (fillup (revertdigs op) 3)
let newbase = base + (getValue (fullop!!2) (xs!!0) base state)
(operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex newbase input output)
add :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
add (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) + (getValue m2 p2 base state)
mult :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
mult (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) * (getValue m2 p2 base state)
put :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
put(op1:op2:m1:_) p1 input base state =
Main.insert state input (getIndex m1 p1 base)
out :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
out (op1:op2:m1:_) output p1 base state =
output ++ [(getValue m1 p1 base state)]
jumpif :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpif (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) /= 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
jumpifnot :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpifnot (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) == 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
lessthan :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
lessthan (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) < (getValue m2 p2 base state) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
equal :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
equal (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state ) == (getValue m2 p2 base state ) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
insert :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
insert xs value index
| index < length xs = do
let split = splitAt index xs
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
| otherwise = do
let longState = xs ++ (replicate (index - length xs) 0)
let split = splitAt index longState
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
read :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
read xs index
| index < length xs = xs!!index
| otherwise = 0
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits = map Char.digitToInt . show
revertdigs :: Int -> [Int]
revertdigs 0 = []
revertdigs x = x `mod` 10 : revertdigs (x `div` 10)
fillup :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
fillup array x = array ++ (replicate (x - (length array)) 0)
getValue :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
getValue 0 p base array = array p
getValue 1 p base array = p
getValue 2 p base array = array (base + p)
getIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
getIndex m p base
| m == 0 = p
| m == 2 = p + base

day14.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.List
import Data.Char as Char
import Linear.V3
import Debug.Trace as T
main = do
reactions <- map getReaction <$> lines <$> getContents
let amout = getConstruction reactions (1,"A")
let test = part1 [(1,"FUEL")] [] reactions
putStrLn(show $ head reactions)
--putStrLn(show ore)
putStrLn(show test)
--putStrLn(show sumResult1)
data Reaction = Reaction { input :: [(Int, String)],
output :: (Int,String)
} deriving Show
getReaction :: String -> Reaction
getReaction input = Reaction left right
where split = splitOn " => " input
left = map getElements (splitOn ", " (split!!0))
right = getElements $ split!!1
getElements :: String -> (Int,String)
getElements input = (amount,element)
where split = splitOn " " input
amount = read $ (split!!0)
element = split!!1
getNextStep :: [Reaction] -> Reaction -> [Reaction]
getNextStep xs (Reaction left right) = filter(\(Reaction i o) -> elem (snd o) reactElem ) xs
where reactElem = map(\(a,b) -> b) left
getConstruction :: [Reaction] -> (Int,String) -> (Int,[(Int, String)])
getConstruction reactions (amount,elem)
| elem == "ORE" = (1,[(amount,elem)])
| length reaction > 0 = (div amount ( fst $ output $ head $ reaction),(input $ head $ reaction))
| otherwise = (1,[(amount,elem)])
where reaction = filter(\(Reaction i o) -> ((snd o) == elem) && (mod amount (fst o) == 0)) reactions
getConstructionRest :: [Reaction] -> (Int,String) -> (Int,[(Int, String)])
getConstructionRest reactions (amount, elem)
| elem == "ORE" = (1,[(amount,elem)])
| otherwise = ((div amount ( fst $ output $ head $ reaction)) + 1,(input $ head $ reaction))
where reaction = filter(\(Reaction i o) -> ((snd o) == elem) ) reactions
part1 :: [(Int,String)] -> [(Int,String)] -> [Reaction] -> [(Int,String)]
part1 needs oldNeeds reactions
| needs == oldNeeds = needs
| otherwise = part1 newNeeds needs reactions
where newNeeds = getRestOre (T.traceShowId(fullNeeds)) [] reactions
fullNeeds = getOre (T.traceShowId(needs)) [] reactions
getOre :: [(Int,String)] -> [(Int,String)] -> [Reaction] -> [(Int,String)]
getOre needs oldNeeds reactions
| needs == oldNeeds = newNeeds
| otherwise = getOre (newNeeds) needs reactions
where newNeeds =foldl combineNeeds [] ( foldl (++)[] (map(\(amount,xs) -> map(\(a,e) -> ((amount * a),e)) xs) construction))
construction = map (getConstruction reactions) needs
getRestOre :: [(Int,String)] -> [(Int,String)] -> [Reaction] -> [(Int,String)]
getRestOre needs oldNeeds reactions = sumNeeds
where pureNeeds = (T.traceShowId(head ( getPureNeeds needs reactions)))
pureRest = foldl (++)[] (map(\(amount,xs) -> map(\(a,e) -> ((amount * a),e)) xs) (map (getConstructionRest reactions) [pureNeeds]))
sumNeeds = foldl combineNeeds [] ((needs \\ [pureNeeds]) ++ pureRest)
combineNeeds :: [(Int,String)] -> (Int,String) -> [(Int,String)]
combineNeeds xs (amt, elem)
| null oldVal = xs ++ [(amt,elem)]
| otherwise = (xs \\ oldVal) ++ [((amt + (fst (head oldVal))),elem)]
where oldVal = filter(\(a,e) -> e == elem) xs
getPureNeeds :: [(Int,String)] -> [Reaction] -> [(Int,String)]
getPureNeeds needs reactions = filter(\(a,e) -> notElem e (impureElements) ) needs
where impureElements = map(\(a,e) -> e) ( (foldl (++) [] ( map(\(Reaction i o) -> i)reactionList )))
reactionList = (filter(\(Reaction i o) -> elem (snd o) elements) reactions)
elements = (map(\(a,e) -> e) needs)

day15.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either as Either
import Debug.Trace as Trace
main = do
software <- getList <$> getContents
let brain = Amplifier software 0 0 [] [0]
let robot = Robot brain [] (0,0) 1
let resultRobots = (runRobot robot )
let winRobots = filter(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> elem 2 (map(\(p,c) -> c) pts))resultRobots
let winRobotsLength = map(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> length (filter(\(p,c) -> c == 1)pts))winRobots
let winRobot = (map(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> Robot br [] pos 1) winRobots) !! 0
let part2Robots = (runRobot winRobot)
let part2Length = map(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> length (filter(\(p,c) -> c == 1)pts))part2Robots
putStrLn(show winRobotsLength)
putStrLn(show $ List.maximum( part2Length))
data Amplifier = Amplifier{ state :: [Int]
,index :: Int
,base :: Int
,input :: [Int]
,output :: [Int]
} deriving Show
data Robot = Robot{ brain:: Amplifier
,points:: [((Int,Int),Int)]
,position:: (Int,Int)
,direction :: Int
} deriving Show
getBrain :: Robot -> Amplifier
getBrain (Robot brain points poisition direction) = brain
createMap ::[((Int,Int),Int)]-> [Int] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
createMap points (y:ys) output
|length ys > 0 = do
let fPoints = filter(\((a,b),c) -> b ==y ) points
let row = foldl createRow [] fPoints
let newoutput = output ++ [(row)]
createMap points ys newoutput
|otherwise = output
createRow :: [Int] -> ((Int,Int),Int) -> [Int]
createRow row ((a,b),c) = Main.insert row c a
runRobot :: Robot -> [Robot]
runRobot robot
| (length move) == 0 = [robot]
| (length move) == 1 = do
let newRobot = stepRobot robot $ move!!0
runRobot newRobot
| otherwise = do
let newRobots = map(\mv -> stepRobot robot mv) move
foldl (++) [] $ map(\robot -> runRobot robot) newRobots
where move = getNextMove robot
stepRobot :: Robot -> Int -> Robot
stepRobot (Robot brain points position direction) newDirection = do
let newBrain = step brain [newDirection]
let statusResponse = head(output newBrain)
let newPos = move position newDirection
let newPoints = (points) ++ [(newPos,statusResponse)]
if statusResponse == 0 || statusResponse == 2
then Robot newBrain newPoints position newDirection
else Robot newBrain newPoints newPos newDirection
move :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> (Int,Int)
move (x,y) direction
| direction == 1 = (x,y+1)
| direction == 4 = (x+1,y)
| direction == 2 = (x,y-1)
| direction == 3 = (x-1,y)
getNextMove :: Robot -> [Int]
getNextMove (Robot brain points position direction)
|length points > 0 && (snd $ last points) == 2 = []
|otherwise = do
filterMoves (Robot brain points position direction) [1,2,3,4]
filterMoves :: Robot -> [Int] -> [Int]
filterMoves robot moves = filter(\x -> checkVisit robot x && checkWall robot x) moves
checkVisit :: Robot -> Int -> Bool
checkVisit (Robot brain points position direction) mv = do
let newPos = move position mv
let visits = map(\(pos,c) -> pos) points
notElem newPos visits
checkWall :: Robot -> Int -> Bool
checkWall (Robot brain points position direction) mv = do
let mvResult = head $ output (step brain [mv])
mvResult /= 0
getList :: String -> [Int]
getList = map . splitOn ","
step :: Amplifier -> [Int] -> Amplifier
step amp input = operation (drop (index amp) (state amp)) (state amp) (index amp) (base amp) input []
operation :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Amplifier
operation (99:_) state i base input output =
Amplifier state i base input []
operation (op:xs) state i base input output
| last (digits op) == 1 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = add (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 2 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = mult (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 3 = do
if (length input) == 0
then (Amplifier state i base input output)
else do
let newindex = i + 2
let newstate = put (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) (xs!!0) (head input) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation (drop newindex newstate) (newstate) newindex base newinput output
| last (digits op) == 4 = do
let newindex = i + 2
let newoutput = out (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) output (xs!!0) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input (newoutput)
| (last (digits op) == 5 ) = do
let newindex = jumpif (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 6 ) = do
let newindex = jumpifnot (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 7 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = lessthan (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 8 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = equal (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 9 ) = do
let newindex = i + 2
let fullop = (fillup (revertdigs op) 3)
let newbase = base + (getValue (fullop!!2) (xs!!0) base state)
(operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex newbase input output)
add :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
add (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) + (getValue m2 p2 base state)
mult :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
mult (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) * (getValue m2 p2 base state)
put :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
put(op1:op2:m1:_) p1 input base state =
Main.insert state input (getIndex m1 p1 base)
out :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
out (op1:op2:m1:_) output p1 base state =
output ++ [(getValue m1 p1 base state)]
jumpif :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpif (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) /= 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
jumpifnot :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpifnot (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) == 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
lessthan :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
lessthan (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) < (getValue m2 p2 base state) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
equal :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
equal (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state ) == (getValue m2 p2 base state ) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
insert :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
insert xs value index
| index < length xs = do
let split = splitAt index xs
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
| otherwise = do
let longState = xs ++ (replicate (index - length xs) 0)
let split = splitAt index longState
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
read :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
read xs index
| index < length xs = xs!!index
| otherwise = 0
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits = map Char.digitToInt . show
revertdigs :: Int -> [Int]
revertdigs 0 = []
revertdigs x = x `mod` 10 : revertdigs (x `div` 10)
fillup :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
fillup array x = array ++ (replicate (x - (length array)) 0)
getValue :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
getValue 0 p base array = array p
getValue 1 p base array = p
getValue 2 p base array = array (base + p)
getIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
getIndex m p base
| m == 0 = p
| m == 2 = p + base

day16.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import Data.Char
main = do
cont <- getContents
let content = drop 5977377 (concat (replicate 10000 (map digitToInt $ init cont) ))
let test1 = doStepsP2 content 100
putStrLn (show $ length content)
--mapM putStrLn (map show patter)
putStrLn (show $ take 8 test1)
getPatternForIndex :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
getPatternForIndex patter length index = drop (1 + index) $ take (length +1) (cycle base)
where base = concat $ map (replicate (index+1)) patter
getInputForIndex :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
getInputForIndex xs index = drop index xs
get :: [Int] -> Int
get xs = mod (abs $ (sum xs)) 10
step :: [Int] -> [[Int]] -> [Int]
step xs patterns = map (\(a,b) -> get( zipWith (*) a b)) $ zip inputs patterns
where inputs = map (getInputForIndex xs) [0..(length patterns)]
doSteps :: [Int] -> [[Int]] -> Int -> [Int]
doSteps xs patterns cnt
| cnt == 0 = xs
| otherwise = doSteps (step xs patterns) patterns (cnt -1)
stepP2 :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
stepP2 xs sumIn acc
| sumIn == 0 = reverse acc
| sumIn > 0 = stepP2 (drop 1 xs) (sumIn - (head xs)) ((mod sumIn 10):acc)
doStepsP2 :: [Int] -> Int ->[Int]
doStepsP2 xs cnt
| cnt == 0 = xs
| otherwise = doStepsP2 (stepP2 xs (sum(xs)) []) (cnt -1)

day17.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either as Either
import Debug.Trace as Trace
main = do
software <- getList <$> getContents
let brain = Amplifier software 0 0 [] [0]
let mvRoutine = [65,44,66,44,65,44,67,44,66,44,65,44,67,44,66,44,65,44,67,10]
let mvFuncA = [76,44,49,50,44,76,44,49,50,44,76,44,54,44,76,44,54,10]
let mvFuncB = [82,44,56,44,82,44,52,44,76,44,49,50,10]
let mvFuncC = [76,44,49,50,44,76,44,54,44,82,44,49,50,44,82,44,56,10]
let videoStream = [110,10]
let input = concat [mvRoutine, mvFuncA, mvFuncB, mvFuncC, videoStream]
let dust = (output (step brain input))
putStrLn (show dust)
data Amplifier = Amplifier{ state :: [Int]
,index :: Int
,base :: Int
,input :: [Int]
,output :: [Int]
} deriving Show
data Robot = Robot{ brain:: Amplifier
,points:: [((Int,Int),Int)]
,position:: (Int,Int)
,direction :: Int
} deriving Show
getBrain :: Robot -> Amplifier
getBrain (Robot brain points poisition direction) = brain
getSymbol :: Int -> Char
getSymbol 35 = '#'
getSymbol 46 = '.'
getSymbol 60 = '<'
getSymbol 62 = '>'
getSymbol 94 = '^'
getSymbol 118 = 'v'
getSymbol x = '?'
getList :: String -> [Int]
getList = map . splitOn ","
step :: Amplifier -> [Int] -> Amplifier
step amp input = operation (drop (index amp) (state amp)) (state amp) (index amp) (base amp) input []
operation :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Amplifier
operation (99:_) state i base input output =
Amplifier state i base input output
operation (op:xs) state i base input output
| last (digits op) == 1 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = add (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 2 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = mult (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 3 = do
if (length input) == 0
then (Amplifier state i base input output)
else do
let newindex = i + 2
let newstate = put (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) (xs!!0) (head input) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation (drop newindex newstate) (newstate) newindex base newinput output
| last (digits op) == 4 = do
let newindex = i + 2
let newoutput = out (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) output (xs!!0) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input (newoutput)
| (last (digits op) == 5 ) = do
let newindex = jumpif (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 6 ) = do
let newindex = jumpifnot (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 7 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = lessthan (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 8 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = equal (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 9 ) = do
let newindex = i + 2
let fullop = (fillup (revertdigs op) 3)
let newbase = base + (getValue (fullop!!2) (xs!!0) base state)
(operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex newbase input output)
add :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
add (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) + (getValue m2 p2 base state)
mult :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
mult (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) * (getValue m2 p2 base state)
put :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
put(op1:op2:m1:_) p1 input base state =
Main.insert state input (getIndex m1 p1 base)
out :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
out (op1:op2:m1:_) output p1 base state =
output ++ [(getValue m1 p1 base state)]
jumpif :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpif (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) /= 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
jumpifnot :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpifnot (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) == 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
lessthan :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
lessthan (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) < (getValue m2 p2 base state) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
equal :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
equal (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state ) == (getValue m2 p2 base state ) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
insert :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
insert xs value index
| index < length xs = do
let split = splitAt index xs
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
| otherwise = do
let longState = xs ++ (replicate (index - length xs) 0)
let split = splitAt index longState
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
read :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
read xs index
| index < length xs = xs!!index
| otherwise = 0
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits = map Char.digitToInt . show
revertdigs :: Int -> [Int]
revertdigs 0 = []
revertdigs x = x `mod` 10 : revertdigs (x `div` 10)
fillup :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
fillup array x = array ++ (replicate (x - (length array)) 0)
getValue :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
getValue 0 p base array = array p
getValue 1 p base array = p
getValue 2 p base array = array (base + p)
getIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
getIndex m p base
| m == 0 = p
| m == 2 = p + base

day18 Executable file

Binary file not shown.

day18.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.List.Unique
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either as Either
import Debug.Trace as Trace
import Data.Maybe
main = do
mapIn <- lines <$> getContents
let robot = Robot mapIn [((5,1),64)] (5,1) 1
let resultRobots = (runRobot robot )
let connections = concat $ [(getConnections mapIn a b) | a <-"@abcdefghijklmnop", b <- "@abcdefghijklmnop", a /= b]
let state = StatePath connections '@' []
let result = getPath2 [state]
--let nextKey = head (sortBy sortLength reachablePoints)
--let newMap = openGate mapIn nextKey
--let aRobotLength = List.minimum( map (length . points) $ aRobots)
--let aRobotWin = filter(\(Robot brain points position direction) -> length points == aRobotLength) aRobots
--let winRobots = filter(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> elem 2 (map(\(p,c) -> c) pts))resultRobots
--let winRobotsLength = map(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> length (filter(\(p,c) -> c == 1)pts))winRobots
--let winRobot = (map(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> Robot br [] pos 1) winRobots) !! 0
--let part2Robots = (runRobot winRobot)
--let part2Length = map(\(Robot br pts pos dir) -> length (filter(\(p,c) -> c == 1)pts))part2Robots
--putStrLn(show winRobotsLength)
--putStrLn(show $ List.maximum( part2Length))
mapM putStrLn(map show mapIn)
mapM putStrLn(map show connections)
putStrLn(show result)
--putStrLn(printKey nextKey)
--mapM putStrLn(map show resultRobots)
data Robot = Robot{ brain:: [[Char]]
,points:: [((Int,Int),Int)]
,position:: (Int,Int)
,direction :: Int
} deriving Show
data Key = Key { id :: Int,
pos :: (Int,Int),
way :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data State = State { m :: [[Char]],
posi :: (Int,Int),
keys :: [Key]
} deriving Show
data StatePath = StatePath { connection :: [Connection],
p :: Char,
path :: [(Char,Int)]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Connection =Connection { key1 :: Char,
key2 :: Char,
l :: Int,
block :: [Char]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
getPath2 :: [StatePath] -> Int
getPath2 states = do
let choose = (sortBy sortL( filter(\state -> getLength state < (min)) possible))
if null choose
then min
else do
let newChoose = (getPath (head choose) min)
getPath2 ((delete (head choose) states) ++ (newChoose))
where min = if length completed /= 0 then List.minimum( map(getLength) completed)
else 999
completed = filter(\state -> length (path state) == 16) states
possible = states \\ completed
longest =List.maximum $ map(\state -> length (path state)) states
sortL :: StatePath -> StatePath -> Ordering
sortL s1 s2
| length (path s1) > length (path s2) = LT
| length (path s1) < length (path s2) = GT
| getLength s1 < getLength s2 = LT
| getLength s1 > getLength s2 = GT
| otherwise = EQ
getPath :: StatePath -> Int -> [StatePath]
getPath(StatePath conn id path) minIn
|length path >= 16 = [ (StatePath conn id path) ]
|length possible == 1 = do
let c = head possible
let newState = stepPath (StatePath conn id path) c
if getLength newState > minIn
then [newState]
else getPath newState minIn
|otherwise = do
let newStates = map(\c -> stepPath (StatePath conn id path) c) possible
where possible = filter(\(Connection k1 k2 _ bs) -> k1 == id && length bs == 0) conn
stepPath :: StatePath -> Connection -> StatePath
stepPath (StatePath conn id path) c = do
let newConn' = map(\(Connection k1 k2 l b) -> (Connection k1 k2 l (delete (toUpper (key2 c)) b))) conn
let newConn = filter(\(Connection k1 k2 l b) -> (k1 /= (key1 c)) && (k2 /= (key1 c)) ) newConn'
let newId = key2 c
let newPath = (newId, l c):path
StatePath ( newConn ) newId newPath
getCoordinate :: [[Char]] -> Char -> (Int,Int)
getCoordinate mapIn id = do
let yAxis = head $ filter(\y -> elem id y) mapIn
let yAxisV = fromJust $ elemIndex yAxis mapIn
let xAxisV = fromJust $ elemIndex id yAxis
getConnections :: [[Char]] -> Char -> Char -> [Connection]
getConnections mapIn id goal = conn
where robot = Robot (mapIn) [((a,b),64)] (a,b) 1
resultRobots = (runRobot robot (ord goal))
conn = (getConnection (resultRobots) id goal)
(a,b) = getCoordinate mapIn id
getConnection :: [Robot] -> Char -> Char -> [Connection]
getConnection robots startKey goal = conn
where paths = map (\(Robot brain points position direction) -> points) robots
pkPair = map(\ps -> ((snd (last ps)),ps)) paths
gPkPair = filter(\(k,pth) -> (chr k) == goal) pkPair
conn = map(\(k,pth) -> Connection startKey (chr k) (length pth) (blocks pth)) gPkPair
blocks xs = map(\(_,c) -> (chr c)) $ filter(\(_,c) -> between 65 c 90) xs
getLength :: StatePath -> Int
getLength (StatePath _ _ path) = do
let keyL = map(\(_,a) -> a - 1) path
sum (keyL)
stepKey :: State -> Key -> State
stepKey (State mapIn (a,b) keys) nextKey = do
let newMap = openGate mapIn (nextKey)
let newKeys = nextKey:keys
State newMap (pos nextKey) newKeys
sortLength :: Key -> Key -> Ordering
sortLength (Key _ _ way1) (Key _ _ way2)
| way1 == way2 = EQ
| way1 < way2 = LT
| way1 > way2 = GT
openGate :: [[Char]] -> Key -> [[Char]]
openGate mapIn (Key id (a,b) _) = result
where result' = map( map(\c -> if c==(chr id) then '.' else c)) mapIn
result = map( map(\c -> if c==(chr (id-32)) then '.' else c)) result'
printKey :: Key -> [Char]
printKey (Key id pos way) = (show id)++" :"++(show pos)++(show way)
getBrain :: Robot -> [[Char]]
getBrain (Robot brain points poisition direction) = brain
getNextKey :: [Robot] -> [Key]
getNextKey robots = nub minPts
where kPts = map(\(Robot brain points position direction) ->(Key (snd(last points)) (fst(last points)) (length points))) robots
minPts = map(\(Key id pos way) ->(Key id pos (min id))) keyWPr
min x = List.minimum $ map(\(Key id pos way) -> way) $ filter(\(Key id pos way) -> id == x) keyWPr
keys = filter(\(Key id pos way) -> id /= 46 && id /= 64 && between 97 id 122) kPts
keyWPr = keys
min :: [Int] -> Int
min xs = foldr1 (\x y -> if x < y then x else y) xs
runRobot :: Robot -> Int -> [Robot]
runRobot robot goal
| (length move) == 0 = [robot]
| (length move) == 1 = do
let newRobot = stepRobot robot ( move!!0 ) goal
runRobot newRobot goal
| otherwise = do
let newRobots = map(\mv -> stepRobot robot mv goal) move
foldl (++) [] $ map(\robot -> runRobot robot goal) newRobots
where move = getNextMove robot
stepRobot :: Robot -> Int -> Int -> Robot
stepRobot (Robot brain points position direction) newDirection goal = do
let newPos = move position newDirection
let statusResponse = ord ((brain!! (snd newPos))!! (fst newPos))
let newPoints = (points) ++ [(newPos, statusResponse)]
if statusResponse == 35 || statusResponse == goal
then Robot brain newPoints position newDirection
else Robot brain newPoints newPos newDirection
between :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
between x y z
|x <= y = y <= z
|otherwise = False
move :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> (Int,Int)
move (x,y) direction
| direction == 1 = (x,y-1)
| direction == 2 = (x+1,y)
| direction == 3 = (x,y+1)
| direction == 4 = (x-1,y)
getNextMove :: Robot -> [Int]
getNextMove (Robot brain points position direction)
|length points > 0 && (snd $ last points) == 2 = []
|otherwise = do
filterMoves (Robot brain points position direction) [1,2,3,4]
filterMoves :: Robot -> [Int] -> [Int]
filterMoves robot moves = filter(\x -> checkVisit robot x && checkWall robot x) moves
checkVisit :: Robot -> Int -> Bool
checkVisit (Robot brain points position direction) mv = do
let newPos = move position mv
let visits = map(\(pos,c) -> pos) points
notElem newPos visits
checkWall :: Robot -> Int -> Bool
checkWall (Robot brain points position direction) mv = do
let newPos = (move position mv)
let mvResult = ( ord ((brain!! (snd newPos))!! (fst newPos)))
not (mvResult == 35 )
getList :: String -> [Int]
getList = map . splitOn ","

day18rw.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.List.Unique
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either as Either
import Debug.Trace as Trace
import Data.Maybe
main = do
mapIn <- lines <$> getContents
let connections = concat $ [(getConnections mapIn a b) | a <-"@abcdefghijklmnop", b <- "@abcdefghijklmnop", a /= b]
let state = State ['@'] 0 '@'
let result = part1 [state] [] connections 999
mapM putStrLn(map show connections)
putStrLn(show result)
data Connection =Connection { key1 :: Char,
key2 :: Char,
l :: Int,
block :: [Char]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Robot = Robot{ brain :: [[Char]]
,points :: [((Int,Int),Int)]
,position :: (Int,Int)
,direction :: Int
} deriving Show
data State = State { elements :: [Char],
len :: Int,
pos :: Char
} deriving (Show,Eq)
part1 :: [State] -> [State] -> [Connection] -> Int -> Int
part1 states deadStates conns minimum
|length finished > 3 =
|otherwise = do
let choose = chooseNext (filtered)(min)
let newStates = runState (choose) deadStates conns min
if (newStates) == choose
then do
let newDeadStates = newStates:deadStates
part1 states newDeadStates conns min
else do
let nextStates = newStates:(states)
part1 nextStates deadStates conns min
where finished = (filter(\(State elm _ _) -> (length elm) >= 17) (states))
min = if length finished > 0
then List.minimum (map(\(State _ l _) -> l) finished)
else minimum
filtered = states \\ deadStates
chooseNext :: [State] -> Int -> State
chooseNext states min = do
let possible' = filter(\(State elm len pos) -> (length elm) < 17) states
let possible = filter(\(State elm len pos) -> len < min) possible'
last ( sortBy sortElm (possible))
sortLen :: State -> State -> Ordering
sortLen (State e1 l1 p1) (State e2 l2 p2)
| l1 > l2 = GT
| l1 < l2 = LT
| l1 == l2 = EQ
sortElm :: State -> State -> Ordering
sortElm (State e1 l1 _) (State e2 l2 _)
| length (e1) > length (e2) = GT
| length (e1) < length (e2) = LT
| l1 > l2 = GT
| l1 < l2 = LT
| otherwise = EQ
runState :: State -> [State] -> [Connection] -> Int -> State
runState (State elm len pos) deadStates conns min
| length possible == 0 = (State elm len pos)
| length possible == 1 = do
let c = head possible
stepState (State elm len pos) c
| otherwise = do
let choose = head (sortBy sortConn possible)
-- let newStates = map(\c -> stepState (State elm len pos) c) possible
stepState (State elm len pos) choose
where possible''' = filter(\(Connection k1 k2 l b) -> length ( b \\ notBlocked) == 0 )possible''''
possible'' = filter(\(Connection _ _ l _) -> len + l < min) possible'''
possible' = filter(\(Connection k1 k2 l b) -> notElem k2 (deadPath)) possible''
possible = filter(\(Connection k1 k2 l b) -> notElem k2 elm) possible'
possible'''' = filter(\(Connection k1 k2 l b) -> k1 == pos) conns
notBlocked = concat $ map(\x -> (toUpper x):[x]) elm
dead = filter(\(State el _ _) -> (tail el) == elm) deadStates
deadPath = map(\(State el _ _) -> head el) dead
sortConn :: Connection -> Connection -> Ordering
sortConn (Connection _ _ l1 _) (Connection _ _ l2 _)
| l1 < l2 = LT
| l1 > l2 = GT
| l1 == l2 = EQ
stepState :: State -> Connection -> State
stepState (State elm len pos) (Connection _ k2 l b) = do
(State (k2:elm) (len + l) k2)
getCoordinate :: [[Char]] -> Char -> (Int,Int)
getCoordinate mapIn id = do
let yAxis = head $ filter(\y -> elem id y) mapIn
let yAxisV = fromJust $ elemIndex yAxis mapIn
let xAxisV = fromJust $ elemIndex id yAxis
getConnections :: [[Char]] -> Char -> Char -> [Connection]
getConnections mapIn id goal = conn
where robot = Robot (mapIn) [((a,b),64)] (a,b) 1
resultRobots = (runRobot robot (ord goal))
conn = (getConnection (resultRobots) id goal)
(a,b) = getCoordinate mapIn id
getConnection :: [Robot] -> Char -> Char -> [Connection]
getConnection robots startKey goal = conn
where paths = map (\(Robot brain points position direction) -> points) robots
pkPair = map(\ps -> ((snd (last ps)),ps)) paths
gPkPair = filter(\(k,pth) -> (chr k) == goal ) pkPair
conn = map(\(k,pth) -> Connection startKey (chr k) (length pth) (delete goal (blocks pth))) gPkPair
blocks xs = map(\(_,c) -> (chr c)) $ filter(\(_,c) -> between 65 c 90 || between 97 c 122) xs
runRobot :: Robot -> Int -> [Robot]
runRobot robot goal
| (length move) == 0 = [robot]
| (length move) == 1 = do
let newRobot = stepRobot robot ( move!!0 ) goal
runRobot newRobot goal
| otherwise = do
let newRobots = map(\mv -> stepRobot robot mv goal) move
foldl (++) [] $ map(\robot -> runRobot robot goal) newRobots
where move = getNextMove robot
stepRobot :: Robot -> Int -> Int -> Robot
stepRobot (Robot brain points position direction) newDirection goal = do
let newPos = move position newDirection
let statusResponse = ord ((brain!! (snd newPos))!! (fst newPos))
let newPoints = (points) ++ [(newPos, statusResponse)]
if statusResponse == 35 || statusResponse == goal
then Robot brain newPoints position newDirection
else Robot brain newPoints newPos newDirection
move :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> (Int,Int)
move (x,y) direction
| direction == 1 = (x,y-1)
| direction == 2 = (x+1,y)
| direction == 3 = (x,y+1)
| direction == 4 = (x-1,y)
getNextMove :: Robot -> [Int]
getNextMove (Robot brain points position direction)
|length points > 0 && (snd $ last points) == 2 = []
|otherwise = do
filterMoves (Robot brain points position direction) [1,2,3,4]
filterMoves :: Robot -> [Int] -> [Int]
filterMoves robot moves = filter(\x -> checkVisit robot x && checkWall robot x) moves
checkVisit :: Robot -> Int -> Bool
checkVisit (Robot brain points position direction) mv = do
let newPos = move position mv
let visits = map(\(pos,c) -> pos) points
notElem newPos visits
checkWall :: Robot -> Int -> Bool
checkWall (Robot brain points position direction) mv = do
let newPos = (move position mv)
let mvResult = ( ord ((brain!! (snd newPos))!! (fst newPos)))
not (mvResult == 35 )
between :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
between x y z
|x <= y = y <= z
|otherwise = False

day8.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import Data.List as List
main = do
content <- getContents
let input = map (read . (:"")) content
let layers = getLayers input (6*25) []
let min = minimum (map (\x-> countOccurence x 0) layers)
let layer = head (filter(\x-> countOccurence x 0 == min) layers)
putStrLn (show $ (countOccurence layer 1) * (countOccurence layer 2))
let picture = foldl combineLayer (head layers) (tail layers)
mapM putStrLn (map show (getLayers picture 25 []))
getLayers :: [Int] -> Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
getLayers xs x ys= do
if (length xs) >= x
then do
let split = splitAt x xs
getLayers (snd split) x (ys ++ [fst split])
else ys
countOccurence :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
countOccurence xs x= length $ filter (x==) xs
compare :: Int -> Int -> Int
compare 0 y = 0
compare 1 y = 1
compare 2 y = y
combineLayer :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
combineLayer xs ys = zipWith xs ys

day9.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either as Either
import Debug.Trace as Trace
main = do
software <- getList <$> getContents
let amp = Amplifier software 0 0 [] []
let amp2 = step amp [2]
putStrLn(show ( output amp2 ))
putStrLn ("HELLO")
data Amplifier = Amplifier{ state :: [Int]
,index :: Int
,base :: Int
,input :: [Int]
,output :: [Int]
} deriving Show
getList :: String -> [Int]
getList = map . splitOn ","
link :: Amplifier -> Amplifier -> Amplifier
link left calc
| null (output left) = Amplifier (state calc) (-1) (base calc) (input calc) (output calc)
| index left == -1 = Amplifier (state calc) (-1) (base calc) (input calc) (output calc)
| otherwise = step calc ([last $ output left])
step :: Amplifier -> [Int] -> Amplifier
step amp input = operation (drop (index amp) (state amp)) (state amp) (index amp) (base amp) input []
operation :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Amplifier
operation (99:_) state i base input output =
Amplifier state i base input output
operation (op:xs) state i base input output
| last (digits op) == 1 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = add (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 2 = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = mult (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| last (digits op) == 3 = do
if (length input) == 0
then (Amplifier state i base input output)
else do
let newindex = i + 2
let newstate = put (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) (xs!!0) (head input) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation (drop newindex newstate) (newstate) newindex base newinput output
| last (digits op) == 4 = do
let newindex = i + 2
let newoutput = out (fillup (revertdigs op) 3) output (xs!!0) base state
let newinput = drop 1 input
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input (newoutput)
| (last (digits op) == 5 ) = do
let newindex = jumpif (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 6 ) = do
let newindex = jumpifnot (fillup (revertdigs op) 4) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) i base state
operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 7 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = lessthan (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 8 ) = do
let newindex = i + 4
let newstate = equal (fillup (revertdigs op) 5) (xs!!0) (xs!!1) (xs!!2) base state
operation ((drop newindex newstate)) (newstate) newindex base input output
| (last (digits op) == 9 ) = do
let newindex = i + 2
let fullop = (fillup (revertdigs op) 3)
let newbase = base + (getValue (fullop!!2) (xs!!0) base state)
(operation ((drop newindex state)) (state) newindex newbase input output)
add :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
add (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) + (getValue m2 p2 base state)
mult :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
mult (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state =
Main.insert state sum (getIndex m3 p3 base)
sum = (getValue m1 p1 base state) * (getValue m2 p2 base state)
put :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
put(op1:op2:m1:_) p1 input base state =
Main.insert state input (getIndex m1 p1 base)
out :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
out (op1:op2:m1:_) output p1 base state =
output ++ [(getValue m1 p1 base state)]
jumpif :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpif (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) /= 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
jumpifnot :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
jumpifnot (op1:op2:m1:m2:_) p1 p2 index base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) == 0 = getValue m2 p2 base state
| otherwise = index + 3
lessthan :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
lessthan (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state) < (getValue m2 p2 base state) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
equal :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
equal (op1:op2:m1:m2:m3:_) p1 p2 p3 base state
| (getValue m1 p1 base state ) == (getValue m2 p2 base state ) =
Main.insert state 1 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
| otherwise = Main.insert state 0 (getIndex m3 p3 base)
insert :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
insert xs value index
| index < length xs = do
let split = splitAt index xs
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
| otherwise = do
let longState = xs ++ (replicate (index - length xs) 0)
let split = splitAt index longState
(fst split)++ [value] ++ (drop 1 (snd split))
read :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
read xs index
| index < length xs = xs!!index
| otherwise = 0
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits = map Char.digitToInt . show
revertdigs :: Int -> [Int]
revertdigs 0 = []
revertdigs x = x `mod` 10 : revertdigs (x `div` 10)
fillup :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
fillup array x = array ++ (replicate (x - (length array)) 0)
getValue :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
getValue 0 p base array = array p
getValue 1 p base array = p
getValue 2 p base array = array (base + p)
getIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
getIndex m p base
| m == 0 = p
| m == 2 = p + base

input11.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@