Day 18: remove comments & cruft

This commit is contained in:
shu 2019-12-18 15:03:31 +01:00
parent 725fd929be
commit 02bfd4d708

View File

@ -60,58 +60,3 @@ distanceFromTo dmap schar echar =
findPos :: Char -> DungeonMap -> V2 Int findPos :: Char -> DungeonMap -> V2 Int
findPos c = head . M.keys . M.filter (`elem` [c]) findPos c = head . M.keys . M.filter (`elem` [c])
-- countBlocks :: ScreenBuffer -> String
-- countBlocks = show . length . M.filter (== 2)
-- getIntersections :: ScreenBuffer -> ScreenBuffer
-- getIntersections buf = M.filterWithKey f buf
-- where
-- f k v = v == 35 && and [buf M.!? (k + u) == Just 35 | u <- unitVecs]
-- getTurns :: ScreenBuffer -> ScreenBuffer
-- getTurns buf = M.filterWithKey f buf M.\\ getIntersections buf
-- where
-- f k v =
-- v == 35 &&
-- or
-- [ buf M.!? (k + u) == Just 35 && buf M.!? (k + perp u) == Just 35
-- | u <- unitVecs
-- ]
-- countIntAlign :: ScreenBuffer -> String
-- countIntAlign m = show $ sum [x * y | (V2 x y, _) <- M.toList m]
toRelPath :: [V2 Int] -> [V2 Int]
toRelPath path = zipWith (-) (tail path) path
toCMD :: V2 Int -> [V2 Int] -> [String]
toCMD _ [] = []
toCMD u (x:xs)
| crossZ u x < 0 = ("R" ++ (show . abs . sum) x) : toCMD (perp u) xs
| crossZ u x >= 0 = ("L" ++ (show . abs . sum) x) : toCMD (perp (u * (-1))) xs
-- getCMD :: ScreenBuffer -> [String]
-- getCMD buf = toCMD dir (toRelPath path)
-- where
-- (pos, dir) = roboPos buf
-- path = pos : getPath buf [] [pos]
-- getPath :: ScreenBuffer -> [V2 Int] -> [V2 Int] -> [V2 Int]
-- getPath _ acc [] = acc
-- getPath m acc currs =
-- let a = nextTurn \\ acc
-- in getPath m (acc ++ a) a
-- where
-- curr = head currs
-- candidates =
-- M.filterWithKey
-- (\k _ -> v2x (k - curr) == 0 || v2y (k - curr) == 0)
-- (getTurns m)
-- isConnected =
-- M.filterWithKey
-- (\k _ ->
-- and
-- [ m M.!? x `elem` [Just 35, Just 94]
-- | x <- map (+ curr) $ drawLine (k - curr)
-- ])
-- nextTurn =
-- map fst $
-- M.toList $ M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> M.member k m) $ isConnected candidates
--nur keys^ im lambda