Day 13: Enterprise it up

This commit is contained in:
shu 2019-12-13 19:19:55 +01:00
parent e6280785b3
commit 3e42c47585
3 changed files with 115 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ module Helpers
( v2x
, v2y
, drawMap
, readIntcode
) where
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Linear.V2
v2x :: V2 a -> a
@ -38,3 +40,6 @@ drawMap dict m =
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = getBounds m
readIntcode :: String -> V.Vector Integer
readIntcode = V.fromList . concatMap (map read . splitOn ",") . lines

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Intcode
( TuringMachine(TM, tape, pointer, pointerOffset, output, input,
, step
, tapePreprocess
, defaultTM
, TMOutState(Continue, AwaitInput, Halt)
, execSteps
) where
@ -47,8 +47,20 @@ data TuringMachine =
deriving (Show)
defaultTM :: Maybe (Int, Integer) -> Vector Integer -> TuringMachine
defaultTM replacement t =
{ tape = maybe t (tapePreprocess t) replacement
, pointer = 0
, pointerOffset = 0
, output = []
, input = Nothing
, state = Continue
tapePreprocess :: Vector Integer -> (Int, Integer) -> Vector Integer
tapePreprocess t (target,repl) = flip (//) [(target, repl)] $ (V.++) t $ V.replicate 500 0
tapePreprocess t (target, repl) =
flip (//) [(target, repl)] $ (V.++) t $ V.replicate 500 0
opLength :: Integer -> Integer
opLength x
@ -89,7 +101,10 @@ step tm =
case op of
"1" -> tmBinop (+)
"2" -> tmBinop (*)
"3" -> if isJust (input tm) then (getNewTM (fromJust $ input tm)){input = Nothing} else tm {state = AwaitInput}
"3" ->
if isJust (input tm)
then (getNewTM (fromJust $ input tm)) {input = Nothing}
else tm {state = AwaitInput}
"4" -> tmn {output = V.last params : output tm}
"5" ->

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@ -1,56 +1,109 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Helpers
import Intcode
import Linear.V2
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO
( BufferMode(NoBuffering)
, hReady
, hSetBuffering
, hSetEcho
, stdin
data GameState =
{ board :: M.Map (V2 Int) Integer
deriving (Show)
type ScreenBuffer = M.Map (V2 Int) Integer
main :: IO ()
main = do
content <- readFile "input"
let program = V.fromList $ concatMap (map read . splitOn ",") (lines content)
let run x y =
( TM
{ tape = tapePreprocess program (0, y)
, pointer = 0
, pointerOffset = 0
, output = []
, input = Just x
, state = Continue
, GameState {board = M.empty})
print $ countBlocks $ run 0 1
putStrLn $ drawBoard $ run 0 1
program <- readIntcode <$> readFile "input"
mode <- queryMode
let tm = defaultTM (Just (0, 2)) program
let run x = runGameloop $ pure (tm {input = Just x}, M.empty, mode)
(_, buf, _) <- run 0
putStrLn $ "Final Highscore: " ++ getHighscore buf
runIntcode :: (TuringMachine, GameState) -> (TuringMachine, GameState)
runIntcode (tm, gb) =
queryMode :: IO Bool
queryMode = do
putStrLn "Do you want to play the game yourself? [y/n]"
getLine >>= \case
"y" -> pure True
"n" -> pure False
_ -> do print "Illegal input."
runGameloop ::
IO (TuringMachine, ScreenBuffer, Bool)
-> IO (TuringMachine, ScreenBuffer, Bool)
runGameloop io = do
(tm, buf, mode) <- io
let tmNew = execSteps tm
let bufNew = updateScreenBuffer buf $ reverse $ output tmNew
putStrLn $ drawBoard bufNew
putStrLn $ "Highscore: " ++ getHighscore bufNew
putStrLn $ "Blocks left: " ++ countBlocks bufNew
case state tmNew of
Continue -> runIntcode (tmNew, gb)
AwaitInput -> runIntcode (tmNew, gb)
_ -> (tmNew, gb)
tmNew = execSteps tm
Continue -> runGameloop $ pure (tmNew, bufNew, mode)
AwaitInput -> do
nextCommand <-
if mode
then do
else pure $ getInputBot (output tmNew)
runGameloop $
pure (tmNew {input = Just nextCommand, output = []}, bufNew, mode)
_ -> pure (tmNew, bufNew, mode)
parseBoard :: [Integer] -> M.Map (V2 Int) Integer
parseBoard xs = foldr pttrans M.empty $ chunksOf 3 xs
getInputBot :: [Integer] -> Integer
getInputBot n = negate $ signum paddleBallDiff
pttrans (x:y:n:xs) board =
f :: (V2 Int, V2 Int) -> [(V2 Int, Integer)] -> (V2 Int, V2 Int)
(ball, paddle) = f (V2 0 0, V2 0 0) vals
vals = M.toList $ updateScreenBuffer M.empty $ reverse n
paddleBallDiff = fromIntegral $ v2x $ ball - paddle
f (paddle, ball) [] = (paddle, ball)
f (paddle, ball) ((coord, obj):xs)
| obj == 4 = f (paddle, coord) xs
| obj == 3 = f (coord, ball) xs
| otherwise = f (paddle, ball) xs
getHighscore :: ScreenBuffer -> String
getHighscore buf = show $ M.findWithDefault 0 (V2 (-1) 0) buf
getInput :: IO Integer
getInput = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
getKeyNow >>= \case
"i" -> pure (-1)
"a" -> pure 0
"e" -> pure 1
_ -> getInput
getKeyNow :: IO String
getKeyNow = reverse <$> getKey' ""
getKey' chars = do
char <- getChar
more <- hReady stdin
(if more
then getKey'
else return)
(char : chars)
updateScreenBuffer :: ScreenBuffer -> [Integer] -> ScreenBuffer
updateScreenBuffer buf xs = foldl pttrans buf $ chunksOf 3 xs
pttrans board [x, y, n] =
M.insert (V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)) n board
countBlocks :: (TuringMachine, GameState) -> Int
countBlocks =
length . M.filter (== 2) . parseBoard . reverse . output . fst
countBlocks :: ScreenBuffer -> String
countBlocks = show . length . M.filter (== 2)
drawBoard :: (TuringMachine, GameState) -> String
drawBoard =
drawMap (M.fromList [(1, '∥'), (2, '⌂'), (3, '—'), (4, '•')]) .
parseBoard . reverse . output . fst
drawBoard :: ScreenBuffer -> String
drawBoard = drawMap (M.fromList [(1, '∥'), (2, '⌂'), (3, '—'), (4, '•')])