it wooooorks
this kinda stuff is extremely hard in Haskell, and that Haskell
programmers on the internet all seem to be galaxy brained wizards isn’t
exactly helpful either (looking at you,
This commit is contained in:
Gattix 2023-01-10 12:30:49 +01:00
parent f686950106
commit 43c3c7311a

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@ -1,32 +1,86 @@
import Control.Lens import Control.Lens
import Data.Array
import Data.Int
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe
type Valves = M.Map String Node type Valve = (Int8, [Int8])
type Node = (Int, [String]) type DMatrix = Array (Int8, Int8) Int8
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = do main = do
input <- map words . lines <$> readFile "testinput" input <- map words . lines <$> readFile "input"
print $ parse input let start = fromIntegral $ fromJust $ elemIndex "AA" $ map (!! 1) input
print $ walk 5 "AA" $ parse input let v = valveNum input
let distanceMatrix =
dijkstraAll (buildMatrix v) v (pred $ fromIntegral $ length v)
print $ part1 distanceMatrix v start
print v
parse :: [[String]] -> Valves valveNum :: [[String]] -> [Valve]
parse = M.fromList . concatMap parse' valveNum input = over (traverse . _2 . traverse) switch $ map snd parsed
where where
parse' (_:name:_:_:rate:_:_:_:_:ts) = parsed = map parse input
[(name, (0, ("open" ++ name) : nexts)), ("open" ++ name, (r, nexts))] valves = map fst parsed
switch x = fromIntegral $ fromJust $ elemIndex x valves
parse (_:name:_:_:rate:_:_:_:_:ts) = (name, (r, nexts))
where where
r = read $ init $ last $ splitOn "=" rate r = read $ init $ last $ splitOn "=" rate
nexts = map (\(x:y:_) -> [x, y]) ts nexts = map (\(x:y:_) -> [x, y]) ts
-- value multiplicator: 28, 25, etc buildMatrix :: [Valve] -> DMatrix
-- delete opened nodes (both) buildMatrix valves = n
m =
((0, 0), (l, l))
[((x, y), maxBound :: Int8) | x <- [0 .. l], y <- [0 .. l]]
n = m // [((i, i), 0) | i <- [0 .. l]]
l = pred $ fromIntegral $ length valves
walk :: Int -> String -> Valves -> Int dijkstra :: DMatrix -> [Valve] -> [(Int8, Int8)] -> Int8 -> DMatrix
walk n start valves dijkstra m vs ((x, d):xs) n =
| n == 0 = 0 dijkstra newM newVs (xs ++ zip nexts (repeat $ succ d)) n
| otherwise = n * rate + maximum [walk (pred n) x valves | x<-nextNodes] where
where rate = valves M.! start ^._1 newM =
nextNodes = valves M.! start ^._2 m //
[ let d' = minimum [m ! (n, i), d]
in ((n, i), d')
| i <- nexts
newVs = vs & element x' .~ (0, [])
nexts = snd (vs !! x')
x' = fromIntegral x
dijkstra m _ [] _ = m
dijkstraAll :: DMatrix -> [Valve] -> Int8 -> DMatrix
dijkstraAll m vs 0 = dijkstra m vs [(0, 1)] 0
dijkstraAll m vs x = dijkstraAll (dijkstra m vs [(x, 1)] x) vs (pred x)
perm30 :: DMatrix -> [(Int8, Int8)] -> Int -> Int8 -> [[(Int8, Int8)]]
perm30 _ [] _ _ = [[]]
perm30 m xxs n current
| n > 30 = [[]]
| otherwise =
[y : ys | (y, xs) <- picks xxs, ys <- perm30 m xs (succ n + dist y) (fst y)]
picks (x:xs) = (x, xs) : [(y, x : ys) | (y, ys) <- picks xs]
picks [] = []
dist y = fromIntegral (m ! (current, fst y))
part1 :: DMatrix -> [Valve] -> Int8 -> Int
part1 m valves start = maximum $ map (calcRoute m start 30 0) routes
valves' = filter (\(_, x) -> x /= 0) $ zip [0 ..] $ map fst valves
routes = perm30 m valves' 0 start
calcRoute :: DMatrix -> Int8 -> Int8 -> Int -> [(Int8, Int8)] -> Int
calcRoute m current time acc (node:nodes)
| newTime > 0 = calcRoute m (fst node) newTime newAcc nodes
| otherwise = acc
newTime = pred $ time - m ! (current, fst node)
newAcc = acc + fromIntegral (snd node) * fromIntegral newTime
calcRoute _ _ _ acc [] = acc