Day 11 Part 1

This commit is contained in:
shu 2019-12-12 20:45:35 +01:00
parent e7b2c8b88c
commit bd832427bc
3 changed files with 207 additions and 0 deletions

2019/day11/Intcode.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
module Intcode
( TuringMachine(TM, tape, pointer, pointerOffset, output, input,
, step
, tapePreprocess
, TMOutState(Continue, AwaitInput, Halt)
, execSteps
) where
import Control.DeepSeq as DeepSeq
import Data.Char
import Data.List as L
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vector as V hiding
( (++)
, concatMap
, elem
, head
, last
, length
, map
, reverse
, splitAt
import qualified Data.Vector as V ((++), last)
data TMOutState
= Continue
| AwaitInput
| Halt
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
data Mode
= Position
| Immediate
| Relative
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
data TuringMachine =
{ tape :: Vector Integer
, pointer :: Integer
, pointerOffset :: Integer
, output :: [Integer]
, input :: Maybe Integer
, state :: TMOutState
deriving (Show)
tapePreprocess :: Vector Integer -> Vector Integer
tapePreprocess t = (V.++) t $ V.replicate 500 0
opLength :: Integer -> Integer
opLength x
| n `elem` "1278" = 4
| n `elem` "56" = 3
| n `elem` "349" = 2
| otherwise = 1
n = last $ show x
parseModes :: String -> [Mode]
parseModes m = L.replicate (3 - length l) Position ++ l
l = map (toEnum . digitToInt) m
paramChange ::
[Mode] -> Integer -> Vector Integer -> Vector Integer -> Vector Integer
paramChange m rbase opvec t = imap f (V.tail opvec)
f i a =
case m !! i of
Immediate -> a
Position -> t ! fromInteger a
Relative -> t ! fromInteger (a + rbase)
getOpModes :: Vector Integer -> (String, [Mode])
getOpModes opvec = (op_dedup, parsed_modes)
(op, modes) = splitAt 2 $ reverse $ show $ opvec ! 0
parsed_modes = reverse $ parseModes $ reverse modes
op_dedup =
if last op == '0'
then [head op]
else op
step :: TuringMachine -> TuringMachine
step tm =
case op of
"1" -> tmBinop (+)
"2" -> tmBinop (*)
"3" -> if isJust (input tm) then (getNewTM (fromJust $ input tm)){input = Nothing} else tm {state = AwaitInput}
"4" -> tmn {output = V.last params : output tm}
"5" ->
{ pointer =
if params ! 0 /= 0
then params ! 1
else pNew
"6" ->
{ pointer =
if params ! 0 == 0
then params ! 1
else pNew
"7" ->
(\x y ->
if x < y
then 1
else 0)
"8" ->
(\x y ->
if x == y
then 1
else 0)
"9" -> tmn {pointerOffset = pointerOffset tm + (params ! 0)}
"99" -> tm {state = Halt}
_ -> error "Illegal Opcode."
pNew = pointer tm + opLength (tape tm ! fromInteger (pointer tm))
tmn = tm {pointer = pNew}
opvec =
(fromInteger (pointer tm))
(fromInteger (pNew - pointer tm))
(tape tm)
(op, m) = getOpModes opvec
params = paramChange m (pointerOffset tm) opvec (tape tm)
tmBinop x = getNewTM ((params ! 0) `x` (params ! 1))
{-without the following DeepSeq call, thunks build up eternally and
the vectors wont be garbage collected: >4GB RAM usage, god knows
how much with larger tapes (my laptop crashed), now its a cozy ~20mB-}
getNewTM x =
tmn {tape = DeepSeq.force (tape tm // [(target, x)]), state = Continue}
target =
fromInteger $
case m !! (length params - 1) of
Relative -> V.last opvec + pointerOffset tm
_ -> V.last opvec
execSteps :: TuringMachine -> TuringMachine
execSteps tm =
case state tmNew of
Continue -> execSteps tmNew
_ -> tmNew
tmNew = step tm

2019/day11/day11.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
module Main where
import Intcode
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Linear.V2
import Debug.Trace
data RoboState =
{ hull :: M.Map (V2 Int) Integer
, position :: V2 Int
, direction :: V2 Int
} deriving Show
main :: IO ()
main = do
content <- readFile "input"
let program = V.fromList $ concatMap (map read . splitOn ",") (lines content)
let run x =
{ tape = tapePreprocess program
, pointer = 0
, pointerOffset = 0
, output = []
, input = Just 0
, state = Continue
}, RoboState {hull = M.empty, position = V2 0 0, direction = V2 0 1 })
print "hue"
print $ length $ hull $ snd $ run 0
-- concat
-- ["Part 1: " ++ show a ++ ", Part 2: " ++ show b | a <- out1, b <- out2]
runIntcode :: (TuringMachine, RoboState) -> (TuringMachine, RoboState)
runIntcode (tm,rb) =
case state tmNew of
Continue -> runIntcode (tmNew,rb)
AwaitInput -> runIntcode $ updateState (tmNew,rb)
_ -> (tmNew,rb)
tmNew = execSteps tm
updateState :: (TuringMachine, RoboState) -> (TuringMachine, RoboState)
updateState (tm, rb) = (tmNew, rbNew)
where hullNew = M.insert (position rb) (output tm !! 1) (hull rb)
dirNew = if output tm !! 0 == 0
then perp $ direction rb
else iterate perp (direction rb) !! 3
posNew = (position rb + dirNew)
floorNext = M.findWithDefault 0 posNew (hull rb)
rbNew = rb{hull = hullNew, position = posNew, direction = dirNew}
tmNew = tm{input = Just floorNext, output = []}

2019/day11/input Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@