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Gattix 2018-07-22 22:54:32 +02:00
parent 3f05c400e8
commit 101755530f

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@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Dialogue: 5,0:20:19.60,0:20:22.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Ich–nein. Wir!{I will—no,
Dialogue: 5,0:20:22.78,0:20:26.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Wir greifen zusammen nach den Sternen!{definitely become stars together!}
Dialogue: 5,0:21:13.33,0:21:17.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Auf der Bühne, randvoll mit Sternenstaub, lasse ich Blumen der Liebe reizvoll erblühen.{On a stage overflowing with stardust, a flower of love blooms gracefull}{is this a pun on her name? karen & ai}{tlc}
Dialogue: 5,0:21:17.90,0:21:19.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Umhüllt von ihnen erstürmt mein{Clad in a new/reborn me}{I saw a theory that during the "transformation", it's literally karen herself being remade, i.e. the iron and fabric etc *is* her, in which case being clad in her would make sense... or maybe the clothes represent a new her}{tlc}{i feel like the clothes represent a new her. symbolism, etc. also a clear reference to the earlier line about her always being a new person. "The me you see is the newest me".}
Dialogue: 5,0:21:19.86,0:21:22.34,Default,,0,0,0,,neugeborenes Ich die funkelnde Bühne!,{I jump onto the shining stage!}
Dialogue: 5,0:21:19.86,0:21:22.34,Default,,0,0,0,,neugeborenes Ich die funkelnde Bühne!{I jump onto the shining stage!}
Dialogue: 5,0:21:22.34,0:21:25.22,Default,,0,0,0,,99. Jahrgang, {99th generation, }Aijou Karen!
Dialogue: 5,0:21:27.81,0:21:30.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Ich bade euch in Sternenlicht!{I'll Starlight you all!}{catchphrase; this sounds less awkward than just "I'll Starlight you", but maybe less safe as we can't be sure she'll always be addressing more than one person}{"minna o starlight shichaimasu". i'm fine with this being "you all" for now. if it changes in the future, we can retcon.}
Dialogue: 5,0:21:36.94,0:21:38.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Misch dich nicht ein!{Don't get in the}{our}{my?}{ way!}